Cold Steel Walkabout Stick CS-91WALK
The walking stick is so much more than just an aid to stability for the injured, ill or infirm. As any hiker or outdoorsman will tell you, it’s also an excellent tool for traversing rough, slippery, uneven and treacherous terrain, a useful pointer or probe – and in dire straits it makes a capable self-defense option!
Nr. articol
775 g
Lungime totală:
962 mm
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Lamnia's green values
Emissions compensation
Greener use of materials
Sources from the nature
Waste utilization
Because it's simple yet important
Относно Lamnia
Specialitatea Lamnia este o gamă de peste 5000 de cuţite şi bricege. Oferim sute de cuţite finlandeze Puukko, bricege, cuţite de vânătoare şi cuţite de bucătărie provenind de la cele mai bune mărci din lume, precum Spyderco, Böker, Roselli, Fox Cutlery şi Cold Steel.