Cold Steel War Hawk CS-90PTWH
Cold Steel´s Trench Hawk represents the future of modern tactical Tomahawk design.
Its sharp cutting edge and wedge style spike offer numerous tactical "options" for our nation's modern warriors. Drop forged from 5150 carbon steel and expertly differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows as well as the awful stress of prolonged use.
The handle of Trench Hawk is also highly resistant to shock and impact and will withstand abuse that would easily break even a tough hickory handle. And, as an added benefit, is easily and cheaply replaced when finally worn out or broken from repeated throwing*
Finally, to help protect its owner from its cutting edge and sharp spike, it comes with a patented innovative articulated Secure- Ex™ sheath.
War Hawk combines the tactical styling and material used in Cold Steel´s famous Trench Hawk with historically inspired design elements from classic fighting hand-axes of old.
With its wide "bearded" axe head and curved reinforced reverse Tanto style spike it is a thoroughly modern fighting hawk and breaching tool - Capable of cutting or smashing through virtually any obstacle!
*NOTE: any handle can, and will, break eventually
Технічні характеристики
1055 Вуглецева сталь
806 г
Загальна довжина:
483 мм
Довжина клинка:
76 мм
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Асортимент Lamnia включає понад 5000 звичайних і складаних ножів. Ми пропонуємо сотні скандинавських ножів (серед яких знамениті фінські ножі Puukko), складані ножі, мисливські ножі, а також кухонне приладдя від найкращих світових брендів, таких як Spyderco, Cold Steel, Böker, Fox Cutlery та Benchmade.